ESP32 Binary Flash in Windows

So far we have been using Linux Based OS and command line to flash esp32. It is the usual process for developers but there may be cases when we need to release only the binary/hex file to a client or production team who uses Windows. This post is about how we can make use of a windows App that eases out the ESP32 Flashing process. Once it is set up it becomes very easy for the end-user to use.  

  1. Download Flash Download Tools from 
  1. Now back to our Linux Based Development Machine. Let's bring out the binary files from the build folder . For example, I have compiled a project named esp32_mesh . The folders of the project looks like 

  2. Transfer the following 4 bin files from the build folder to the intended Windows Machine. In your case, the project name will be different 

  1. Now At your windows Machine, Run the installer downloaded at step 1 

  • Then open the bin files and put the following address
  • Check all the checked marks at the left side tick boxes 

The Addresses are

bootloader.bin             0x1000
esp32_mesh.bin 0x10000
ota_data_initial.bin 0xD000
partitions.bin 0x8000

  • Connect the hardware / esp32 devkit over USB 
  • Hold down the boot button and then click on Start
  • After Flashing gets completed the Finish state will be shown below

  • Click the Stop button and close the application
  • Then on your windows Machine open Putty, a popular terminal software 

  • And check the debug output at Putty 

1 comment:

  1. ahh, thank you for posting such knowledgeable post it resolve my doubt i have been working on it since 8 hours





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