ESP32 C++ std::thread tutorial

C++ threads std::thread in ESP-IDF is implemented on top of ESP-pthread component 

The C++ threads created using the standard thread class constructor actually use the under the hood ESP-pthread. On the other hand ESP-pthread is actually using FreeRtos Task 

Now we will go through this example of esp-idf Example to use pthread in esp32 

The example is written in C++ 

The esp pthread configuration structure looks like 

/** pthread configuration structure that influences pthread creation */
typedef struct {
    size_t stack_size;  ///< The stack size of the pthread
    size_t prio;        ///< The thread's priority
    bool inherit_cfg;   ///< Inherit this configuration further
    const char* thread_name;  ///< The thread name.
    int pin_to_core;    ///< The core id to pin the thread to. Has the same value range as xCoreId argument of xTaskCreatePinnedToCore.
} esp_pthread_cfg_t;

To create a std::thread type thread a esp_pthread configuration is needed 

// Create a thread using default values that can run on any core
auto cfg = esp_pthread_get_default_config();


auto keyword in C++ 

The auto keyword specifies that the type of the variable that is being declared will be automatically deducted from its initializer . it is available from C++ 11

Here I am explaining the code by going through the debug messages after running the program. 

The example first creates a thread that can run at any core 

std::thread any_core(thread_func_any_core);

I (399) pthread: This thread (with the default name) may run on any core.Core id: 0, prio: 5, minimum free stack: 2124 bytes.

Then it creates a thread to be run on core 0 . this thread’s inherit_cfg is set to true . 

std::thread thread_1(spawn_another_thread);

I (409) Thread 1: Core id: 0, prio: 5, minimum free stack: 2144 bytes.

this thread in turn creates another thread which inherits the same configuration of the thread which created it 

std::thread inherits(thread_func_inherited);

I (419) Thread 1: This is the INHERITING thread with the same parameters as our parent, including name. Core id: 0, prio: 5, minimum free stack: 2172 bytes.

Then a thread is created to be run on core 1 only 

std::thread thread_2(thread_func);

I (439) Thread 2: Core id: 1, prio: 5, minimum free stack: 2160 bytes.

The main() of the app has an infinite loop that prints some information. This infinite loop itself is a thread too 

I (429) main: core id: 0, prio: 1, minimum free stack: 3084 bytes.

All the threads sleeps for 5 second 

The example uses stringstream type object to construct debug messages. the constructed message is printed via the ESP_LOGI() function 


The C++ std::thread is a popular way to design multithreaded applications. Application developers are more familiar with this API than FreeRTOS API . So it’s a great decision by espressif to port std::thread for ESP32 . Application developers can port C++ std::thread based applications to ESP32 architecture easily. Also if you want to design a C++ based application with thread functionality this is a good design pattern 

1 comment:

  1. This article give me various amount of knowledge of embedded system thank you for posting such knowledgeable post





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