ESP32 MQTT tutorial

MQTT stands for Messaging queue telemetry transport 

Broker & server is termed as the same meaning 

It is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol 

We will go through this example

The example uses ESP-MQTT library

ESP-MQTT library is used to implement the MQTT protocol client 

By default MQTT client uses the event Loop library to post  MQTT events so in code you have to create the default event loop so that events can be captured in the code


MQTT related Events are 









To make a ESP-MQTT based client a esp_mqtt_client_config_t structure type variable should be created 

const esp_mqtt_client_config_t mqtt_cfg = {
        .uri = CONFIG_BROKER_URI,

Here the CONFIG_BROKER_URI is the address of the broker to which the MQTT client will connect. This MACRO is set by menuconfig 

URI example mqtt:// 

The MQTT client configuration structure has many members, i am going to list out the important ones here 

mqtt_event_callback_t event_handle;

typedef esp_err_t (* mqtt_event_callback_t)(esp_mqtt_event_handle_t event);

Callback function to which mqtt events will go 

esp_event_loop_handle_t event_loop_handle;

Handle for MQTT event loop library 

const char *host;

MQTT broker address as ipv4 string

const char *uri;

MQTT broker address as URI

uint32_t port;

MQTT port

const char *client_id;

Default client ID format “ESP32_%CHIPID%“

const char *username;

MQTT username

const char *password;

MQTT password 

int disable_clean_session;

MQTT clean session, default is true 

int keepalive;

Default: 120 sec 

bool disable_auto_reconnect;

Default: false, MQTT client will reconnect to the broker at error/disconnect 

int task_prio;

The default priority is 5, which can be changed by menuconfig 

int task_stack;

Default is 6144 bytes, can be changed by menuconfig 

int buffer_size; 

MQTT send/receive buffer, default is 1024

After the configuration of the structure, we have to create a MQTT Client handle based on the configuration using the following function. 

esp_mqtt_client_handle_t          esp_mqtt_client_init (const esp_mqtt_client_config_t *config);

esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client = esp_mqtt_client_init(&mqtt_cfg);

We can assume that this handle is our mqtt Client , we have to use this handle in other parts of the code 

Now we have to register for the mqtt event using the following function provided by the ESP-MQTT API 

esp_err_t esp_mqtt_client_register_event(
            esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client,                       // mqtt client handle
            esp_mqtt_event_id_t event,                              // event type
            esp_event_handler_t event_handler,                //handler callback
            void* event_handler_arg

esp_mqtt_client_register_event(client, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, mqtt_event_handler, client);

We have registered the client for any ESP EVENTS 

Here    esp_event_handler_t   type parameter event_handler is a pointer to a function . it has the following signature 

typedef void * esp_event_loop_handle_t

It is a pointer to a function. the function should return void and the argument list is unspecified. As the API is written in C , so it is not required for the function to be prototyped before being defined or used. 


we pass mqtt_event_handler() function as an argument for this parameter and define this function in our application source code 

static void mqtt_event_handler(void *handler_args, esp_event_base_t base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data) {
    ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Event dispatched from event loop base=%s, event_id=%d", base, event_id);

You can see that this handler function calls another callback function mqtt_event_handler_cb()

This callback function is the function where the MQTT events are processed 

static esp_err_t mqtt_event_handler_cb(esp_mqtt_event_handle_t event)
// handle MQTT events

At registration the handler function was passed now , we will start the client


Now what happens is that the ESP-MQTT client starts running and when MQTT events occur the mqtt_event_handler() function gets called, this function prints the event type and passes the event_data argument to mqtt_event_handler_cb() function where the events get processed 

The event_data argument is of type esp_mqtt_event_handle_t which is actually a pointer of type esp_mqtt_event_t

* MQTT event configuration structure
typedef struct {
    esp_mqtt_event_id_t event_id;       /*!< MQTT event type */
    esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client;    /*!< MQTT client handle for this event */
    void *user_context;                 /*!< User context passed from MQTT client config */
    char *data;                         /*!< Data associated with this event */
    int data_len;                       /*!< Length of the data for this event */
    int total_data_len;                 /*!< Total length of the data (longer data are supplied with multiple events) */
    int current_data_offset;            /*!< Actual offset for the data associated with this event */
    char *topic;                        /*!< Topic associated with this event */
    int topic_len;                      /*!< Length of the topic for this event associated with this event */
    int msg_id;                         /*!< MQTT message id of message */
    int session_present;                /*!< MQTT session_present flag for connection event */
    void* error_handle;                 /*!< esp-tls error handle referencing last error/flags captured in transports */
} esp_mqtt_event_t;

typedef esp_mqtt_event_t *esp_mqtt_event_handle_t;

Now that we have understood the code, let's build the example code 

Broker Address Set 

We will use a public broker to test the code, i have used 

As it is a public broker it may be unavailable, so let’s check if it is active or not in our host 

We will open a terminal [CTRL+ALT+T] where we will subscribe on a topic, then we will open another terminal and publish a message to the broker on the previously input topic


hassin@hassin-HP:~$ mosquitto_sub -h -p 1883 -t 'ESP32/test'

>>publish at another terminal

hassin@hassin-HP:~$ mosquitto_pub -h -p 1883 -t 'ESP32/test' -m 'hello world'

If at the subscribed terminal you see ‘hello world’ message printed then MQTT communication is okay

Now let’s set the broker address in our esp32 MQTT example code using menuconfig 

After setting the broker to build a flash the program to the ESP32 and if everything is okay you will mqtt communication is working 

By this example, we have been able to implement the basic publish-subscribe and data receive event mechanism. in next post I will show how to wrap all these in an efficient way so that our application can do other kind of work such as ADC sampling 


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